Printing Custom Labels For More Than 30 Years.

3 Easy Ways to Boost Your Brand with Custom CBD Labels

It can be tough to trace a return on investment from your custom CBD labels and promotional products. Placing and keeping this method in a long-term marketing strategy is a challenge. Packaging labels play a huge role in your sales. You need to convey appropriate information and look good, but your labels also need to give the consumer an idea of the kind of quality contained inside.

If your custom CBD labels and promotional products are low quality, flimsy, or off-color, it’s a turnoff. People either consciously or subconsciously remember that the next time they need to buy.  Your custom CBD labels, hemp labels, and cannabis product labels are powerful marketing tools when browsing the aisles or the digital store.

Boosting your brand through your labels and promotional products is essential. You know that, or you wouldn’t be on this blog. Therefore, here are a few ideas to help you make your custom CBD labels and all other cannabis products stand out with our high-quality, durable, expert-color-matched labels.

Personalize Your Brand Message

Picture this: Your customer is browsing the internet or aisles looking for a CBD oil to help them sleep at night. They see dozens of choices that all look the same, and there’s no way to tell the difference between the products without talking to someone. Talking to people may not be something they want to do, especially if they need to call, write, or wait in line.

In these cases, consumers go for the price and aim for something between the cheapest and the most expensive. There’s a high likelihood this product will bring disappointing results. 

Custom CBD Labels and Packaging

Bottom line: Don’t be generic.  Look at the labels on the items next to yours. Are they using extended content? Metallic or holographic material? Special inks? 

Also, focus on understanding your audience and writing or designing something that talks explicitly to them. 

For example, if your audience is women aged 50-65 looking for menopause support, go for a shade of pink on the labels and wording that speaks to their concern. Consider using humor, like a caricature of a sweating woman or a funny saying like “Stand up to Puberty’s mean older sister, Menopause.”

The main point is to make sure the messaging matches the product, brand, and audience needs. The artwork and copywriting should tell a story about your ideal customer.

Simplify Everything on Custom CBD Labels

Your copywriter already knows this part – edit until you can’t remove anything else without sacrificing the integrity of your message. If you don’t have a copywriter, try cutting out all the fluff words such as “that” and “just.”  Here’s a useful infographic of filler words to remove from your writing.  It’s a good idea to remove them from all professional marketing communications.

Add Giveaways Like Custom Branded Stickers

This is especially fun during holiday seasons or special events! Who doesn’t get a sticker and immediately think, “where can I stick this?!”  Now, imagine if it was a super cool, exciting, durable custom sticker that includes your logo and web address or social handle.

The Return on Investment for Custom CBD Labels

Possibly the most challenging part of marketing is determining the return on investment for brand awareness strategies, and that includes labels and promotional materials. To check how your custom CBD labels or other cannabis promotional products are performing, compare how sales were before and after the new label is on the shelves. 

If it’s a new product, measure those stats against a similar product in your line or what you expected to sell. 

Another option is to put something redeemable or engaging on the label, such as a QR code, coupon, special event signup, social follow, or review.  Tracking return on investment from brand awareness efforts is hard, so be sure to make realistic goals and key performance indicators. 

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