Contact LabelTec

Talk to a Real Person

During business hours, we always answer the phone, and e-mails are checked regularly. We’re “people” people, and we know you need quality labels in your hands as fast as possible. That means answering questions and taking orders quickly.

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Contact Us Directly

Call us:  970-221-2275 OR 800-434-8369
Email us:
Drop in: Business hours are M–F 8:00 AM–5:00 PM MST

Our address is:
113 Commerce Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80524

Contact LabelTec Label Printing and Packaging
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Experienced. Knowledgeable. Responsive.

You have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to custom label printing. Over the last three decades, we’ve learned that the four most important pieces of printing labels are quality, speed, service, and price (in that order). We won’t be the cheapest, but we’re affordable for all business sizes and will blow you away with the quality of our products, our ultra-fast turnaround times, and personalized service from real people.

Our Home Location

We’re nestled comfortably in Fort Collins, Colorado, a small city with over 300 miles of trails, more than 20 craft breweries, world-famous dispensaries, and a passion for sustainability. Not to mention, Fort Collins is home to one of the best research universities in the country (CSU), and we’re not far away from UC Boulder, another incredible research university in Northern Colorado.

Why do we like research universities so much? Because they focus on innovation, and we’re committed to breaking new ground in ways that build up our communities, protect our environment, and bring a higher quality of life. We helped pioneer booklet and peel-back labels that ushered hundreds of companies into a revolutionary way of labeling. Companies across the world have saved thousands on packaging while following regulations and meeting the customer’s demands for clear communication on product labels.

Our specialty printing process has been honed for more than three decades to produce artistic labels that last. See Our Work